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The De-Influencing Trend Teaches Everyone To Combat Consumerism
In an age where social media drives consumer habits, the rise of de-influencing offers a…
Embracing Nature: Eco-Tourism Destinations for Conscious Travelers
Today’s jet setters seek more than famous attractions, Instagram-worthy moments, and souvenirs. Many are packing…
A Story of Survival: The Plight of Baby Sea Turtles
Few realize the treacherous journey baby sea turtles embark on to survive to adulthood. Faced…
Activist Corner
May 20: World Bee Day
May 21: Endangered Species Day
May 22: International Day for Biological Diversity
May 23: World Turtle Day
June 1: National Trails Day
June 5: World Environment Day
June 7: World Food Safety Day
June 8: World Ocean’s Day
June 17: World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
June 22: World Rainforest Day
July: Plastic Free July
July 29: International Tiger Day
August 12: World Elephant Day
September 2: Zero Waste Week
September 12: World Dolphin Day
September 16: Ozone Preservation Day
September 20: World Clean Up Day
September 22: World Rivers Day
October 1: World Vegetarian Day
October 2: World Habitat Day
October 4: Energy Efficiency Day
October 4: World Animal Day
October 12: World Migratory Bird Day (Fall)
October 16: World Food Day
October 22: Snow Leopard Day
November 13: World Kindness Day
November 29: Buy Nothing Day
December 11: International Mountain Day